
Spring Forward: Water Industry Printfrastructure project launches into innovation platform

Our Water Industry Printfrastructure case study and showcase recording are now available on the Spring innovation platform.

Spring are United Utilities knowledge-sharing partner, helping to accelerate transformation across the water sector.

With the support of Ofwat’s Water Breakthrough Challenge, and in partnership with PrintCity MMU and Scottish Water, United Utilities has led a collaborative project exploring the viability of 3D Printing to create infrastructure and assets for the water industry and beyond.

The showcase recording features speakers including United Utilities Innovation Programme Manager Richard Clarke, our CEO and founder Natalie Wadley and Print City’s Alan Dempsey sharing reflection on the learnings and challenges involved in this project, and how it will ultimately benefit the whole industry when it comes to reducing carbon outputs and providing resilient infrastructure.

🔗 Take a look:

You’ll need to set-up a free account to access the platform, it’s a great resource to find out what innovations are happening across the water industry.